Service and Support Management

Professional Service Management requires a commitment to mastering execution, constant improvement, and exceptional customer service.

When you work under a Managed IT Service flat rate billing system, as we generally do, profitability is directly tied to our efficiency, expertise, and management practices. When our clients have problems, it costs us BOTH money, so by investing in proactive management systems we maximize productivity for both organizations.  For your staff, we strive to minimize inefficiencies, interruptions and downtime, for our team, we avoid “fixing” things that shouldn’t have broken in the first place.  By continually investing in best-in-class management tools and systems, we ensure that our team is ready and able to exceed your expectations.

Our service management team has weekly meetings where we review reports, identify, and discuss issues such as:

  • System failures, outages and problems of the prior week
    • What caused the problem & how could it have been avoided
    • How well did we perform? (monitoring, alerting, reporting, responding, resolving)
    • What changes should we make to improve or change systems and process?


  • Trend of the most frequently occurring problems per client and across all clients
    • Categorize by type, frequency and severity
    • What is needed to avoid these issues?(staff training, user training, configuration or platform changes)
    • Best way to discuss and propose improvements with affected clients and users if needed


  • Tickets flagged for review by clients, and by our tech team
    • Customer satisfaction survey results
    • How could we have done better?(communications, training, better procedures?)
    • Did we follow best practices? client SOP’s and internal procedures. If not why not?


  • Projects that resulted in major changes to configurations or security systems
    • Were all internal procedures followed (updated documentation, security review, alerting and monitoring systems etc)
    • Review impact to clients workflow or systems (unintended consequences?)
    • Second review of security, NOC and backup systems


  • Tickets and projects where we risked violating SLA or budget guidelines
    • What went wrong?
    • How could we have done better?
    • What changes are we making to improve our performance (training, resources, systems, procedures)

In addition to weekly internal service management meetings, we conduct similar review meetings onsite with individual Managed IT clients. We can customize IT management plans and reports to meet each clients unique and changing needs.  Working in cooperation with our Consulting team, and your internal department managers, this process can help identify areas where we can work together to help your staff increase efficiency and achieve the best use of your IT investments.

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