Network Management & Monitoring

With Professional Network Support from White Mountain, we take the ‘big picture’ view of your entire environment, making sure that everything is working smoothly together, and is reliable and secure.

Network Support and Management involves monitoring and managing the entire workflow, not just looking at individual components.  That means making sure the entire process works, everything your users need to be able to work. We track performance, usage and growth trends to help avoid capacity and performance issues before they become problems

Standard Network Management services include proactive tasks including:

  • Network access and security monitoring
  • Performance monitoring of all critical processes
  • Managing and testing data backup systems
  • Round trip email testing and performance monitoring
  • Maintaining complete documentation of all infrastructure and systems
  • Compiling reports for quarterly and annual management review

In addition to the standard network monitoring that you would expect, we also monitor and track simple but important things like expiration dates for warranties, security certificates, domain names, hosted software subscriptions and lots of other key info needed to avoid service interruptions.

network support and management

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