My IT person is the only one that knows my systems, won’t it be painful to switch?

If your systems are currently working, we can easily back them up and then document them, if your systems are not currently functioning properly then it is already painful and your business is at risk, the sooner you make the change, the better. 

We often find that even when a new client that we are onboarding has told us that things were “ok” with the previous vendor when they see how much of a difference having professional IT management can make, they are relieved and excited about the change.  I can’t tell you how often a new client tells me that they wished they had made the change years ago!

Our systems and process are very transparent, as a client, you have access to our systems, records and all of the documentation about your network.  With White Mountain, you are as involved as you want to be and will never feel that you are being left in the dark.  Don’t settle for a vendor who uses knowledge as job security. Let us help you get the situation resolved.

At White Mountain, we make changing IT vendors EASY!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to hearing from you.

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