Passwords are the keys to digital access, but they’re often not treated as keys; meaning they aren’t always protected by their users. Unfortunately, people don’t always do everything they can to protect their passwords and there are a lot more scammers out there than pickpockets.

Effective password management is crucial for any business. It works to maintain the security of online accounts and sensitive information. Here are five ways to control and enhance your password management.

Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Create strong passwords that include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You’ll want to avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays, names, or common words while also making sure that each of your passwords is unique for different accounts to prevent a security breach in one account from affecting others.

Implement a Password Manager

The password manager is a great tool to let users generate, store, and organize complex passwords for each of their accounts. The best thing about them is that they promote the use of complex and unique passwords for each site, reducing the temptation to reuse passwords across multiple platforms, and improving data security. Additionally, many password managers also offer features like secure password sharing and auditing tools to ensure passwords meet certain security criteria.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

IT administrators and users will want to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. This option adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device or generated by an app. MFA ensures that even if a password is thought to be compromised, the unauthorized party wouldn’t be able to access the digital resources beyond the MFA-protected account

Regularly Update and Change Passwords

Passwords are the major tool used to protect organizational and personal data. In order to do that, you have to make sure they don’t get stale. Set a schedule to update your passwords regularly, especially for critical accounts. If you find out a service you use has been compromised, you need to make sure to change the password immediately. 

Educate Yourself and Stay Informed

It’s a good practice to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats such as advancements to phishing attacks or other scams that are going around. Everyone should be cautious of malicious websites and questionable correspondence that may try to trick you into revealing your login credentials or getting you to interact with files that deploy malicious code. 

Remember, the goal is to create a robust defense against unauthorized access. By working toward more secure strategies, your organization can be much more secure. If you would like to learn more about how White Mountain IT Services can augment your organization’s data security efforts, contact us today at (603) 889-0800.

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