I Have A Dispute With My Current IT Provider, Can You Help Me Lock Them Out?

The short answer is YES, we can help protect your business.

It is very rare that an outside vendor or employee would ever intentionally cause your business harm or disruption, but we understand that it is your job to protect the businesses and minimize risk.  As the adage goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

If you feel that things don’t seem right, we can help in several ways.

The first step is to have a private & confidential conversation to discuss the situation and assess the risks to the business.  The risk assessment will prepare the foundation for an action plan outlining the steps required for a rapid lock-down.

As you can imagine, having been in business for over thirty years, we have helped with similar situations before.  Often we have responded with an overnight data backup, lock-down, and extraction; and sometimes, we have even helped clear up a misunderstanding which resulted in getting a relationship with an existing vendor back on track. 

Either way, we are happy to help.

And remember, we make changing IT vendors EASY!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to hearing from you.


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