What to Know About Your Business’ Wireless Router

What to Know About Your Business’ Wireless Router

The modern workplace wouldn’t exist as it does without the advent of wireless Internet or Wi-Fi. Understanding how your wireless router works can be incredibly helpful for any business owner, and it can help you get even more out of your wireless connection. Today, we want to share some information about wireless routers that can help you use them more effectively.

But First, the Basics

One of the best ways to better understand your wireless network is to learn more about the different settings you can access through your router software. First, you need to know that most routers can be accessed through the default gateway for the router, which is typically by default, but you can always find this out if you look at your manual.

There is also password protection on your router, and most routers will have a default factory password that you should change as soon as possible. Most routers will ship with this default information made available online on the off chance that someone would need it, but it’s a security risk not to change it. If you cannot access the firmware and need to perform a factory reset, you can find your default password online.

The router interface might not appear to be very user-friendly, but there are two important settings that you really need to know about: the SSID and the password.

All About the SSID

The Service Set Identifier, or SSID, is the name you assign to your network. You might notice interesting names for wireless networks in your neighborhood, like the all-too-clever “FBI surveillance van 004.” The SSID is the name that will show up when you search for your network. You should ensure your SSID is changed and that your password is sufficiently secure and complex. This will help you keep your network secure from those who might try to take advantage of others who have not changed default settings.

You can also control other interesting settings through the router firmware, such as your local area network (LAN) and wireless area network (WAN) settings, firewall, and so on. You should also get in the habit of updating your router’s firmware to ensure it remains safe and secure.

You can also consult White Mountain IT Services for any and all of your IT needs. Contact us today at (603) 889-0800.

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