What Is Involved With A Lock-down Procedure?

When there is a change in IT Support staff that has access to your IT management systems and passwords it is important to quickly revoke access, change passwords review your security systems.

 We suggest having a lock-down procedure in place to guide you through the process and ensure that nothing is missed.

In addition to the obvious things like keys to building and passwords, here are a few other items to be sure you consider;

  • Firewall administrator access
  • Domain name registration accounts
  • Email and web hosting accounts
  • All remote access and VPN software
  • Change the Point of Contact records for all vendors like the phone company, internet provider, etc.
  • All online, cloud, or hosted services
  • Let all employees know about the change, even the branch offices!
  • Encryption keys and passwords for backups
  • Remove them from all internal email distribution lists
  • Access control and security systems

Of course, this is all much easier if you have professional IT management systems in place so that everything is fully documented before you need to change it.

When the only person who knows what to change, and how to change it is the one who just left, it can be a daunting task.

If you want help getting in front of this, before it becomes an emergency, or if you are currently in need of an emergency lock-down, give us a call.

At White Mountain, we make changing IT Service vendors EASY!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to hearing from you.

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