What Types Of Things Should Be Documented?

One of the keys to being able to efficiently manage, support and use your IT systems is standardized documentation.

At White Mountain, we utilize a secure, state of the art database for documentation and client SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures).  As we implement, manage and support your systems we are continuously referencing and updating the documentation that outlines what we did and how we did it.

The goal is to empower the support team to be as efficient as possible and to avoid depending on a single individual for critical information or knowledge.  Ensuring a high level of efficiency and responsiveness on our end, allows us to keep your costs down, and productivity up.  Having a professional Managed Service Provider supporting your business provides exponentially more value than a single employee or very small IT provider.

Here are a few of the things that should be included in your IT documentation:

  • Network diagram and floor-plan
  • ISP and circuit info
  • Inventory of all software and hardware
  • Complete documentation of servers
  • Security profile of data, share and user group access
  • Data backup requirements and system configuration
  • User census and profile
  • Firewall configuration and security profile
  • Remote access configuration
  • Third-party vendor information
  • and much, much more!

At White Mountain, we make changing IT vendors EASY!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to hearing from you.

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