Tip of the Week: Worried About Phishing? Use the SLAM Method

So, what is the SLAM method?

The SLAM Method is a Simple Practice to Help Spot Phishing

The SLAM method is a framework to help keep phishing prevention practices in mind.

  • Sender: Who supposedly sent the message? Check the email address to make sure the address matches the supposed sender, with no misspellings or suspicious URLs.
  • Links: Before clicking on any links, make sure you hover over them so the actual URL displays. Make sure it matches where the link should direct to.
  • Attachments: Are there any attachments included with the message, especially those that you wouldn?t expect to be included? These attachments are often used to ferry threats in, making their presence suspicious.
  • Message: What does the message itself say? Misspelled words and poor grammar, along with content that is uncharacteristic of the supposed sender, can all be indicative of phishing.

Keep the SLAM Method in Mind for More Effective Phishing Prevention

We really can?t overstate how important it is that you keep phishing from having an impact on your business, as it can lead to several other security issues. White Mountain IT Services is here to help you do so, as well as attend to various other cybersecurity needs. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to learn more.

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