Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Technology plays a massive role for most organizations nowadays, and not everyone always grasps the importance of it. Most of the time, there is so much built into today’s enterprise software that it can often be overwhelming for workers to use it effectively. Today, we will give you three tips on how to help employees get a grasp of the technology their productivity depends on.

Tip of the Week: Creating Google Forms that Auto-Populate Google Sheets

Tip of the Week: Creating Google Forms that Auto-Populate Google Sheets

There are several reasons to use a form to collect data for your business, from customer impressions and service needs to employee feedback about internal matters as a means of collaborative decision-making. The trouble comes when it is time to compile all the responses… unless you know how to use the tools at your disposal. For this week’s tip, we’re walking through the process of creating a form that self-populates a spreadsheet using Google’s toolkit.

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