Three Benefits of Software Management Tools

Software fuels most businesses nowadays, even the small shops down the street. Depending on the size and scope of the business, however, managing software can be complex and downright unfun. Today, we want to highlight a type of tool that your business can find great value in: a software management solution.

A good software management tool will do the following:

  • Make patching and updating software easier
  • Assess usage of specific software tools
  • Manage licenses for your various applications.

Patches and Updates

No piece of software is perfect. That’s why patches and updates exist in the first place. Software management tools allow you to remotely deploy patches and updates so you can keep your solutions in tip-top working condition. You don’t want to ignore these software updates, as they could include bug fixes and security fixes that help you stay productive, functional, and secure.

Software Usage

How much do you really use that niche software solution? All businesses experience this issue, where they think that a particular solution is just what they need, only to find something better a couple of years down the road. Or, they might implement something for one specific purpose, then forget about it entirely. You can track how much your various applications are used so you can make better buying decisions in the future.

Licenses and Accounts

Traditional software licensing is hard. You purchase licenses individually, then have to purchase them again as the license expires. Tracking all of this for your software infrastructure can be challenging, but with software management solutions, it becomes much easier and more efficient. With so much software being in the cloud nowadays, you need all the help you can get with keeping track of it all, and software management solutions let you not only track licenses, but active user accounts as well.

Implement Software Management Solutions Today

Your business needs to stay on top of its software, and there’s no better way to do that than with White Mountain IT Services. Call us today at (603) 889-0800 to learn more.

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