Tip of the Week: How Cloud Solutions Can Preserve Your Productivity

Keep Solutions Up to Date

One of the lesser-discussed benefits of the cloud is the fact that you can be sure that your team is working with all the advantages that fully updated software brings. Without relying on each user to install the needed updates on their own, or for your IT department to see to each device individually, your service provider will keep your solution up to date and ready to go. If you happen to be hosting your own cloud solution, you can push these updates at will and give your team the best tools available.

Remote Access

In the past, if a certain bit of data was kept on a spreadsheet in the second drawer of a filing cabinet, any user who needed access to that data would need to go and retrieve the spreadsheet to find it. This meant that people who were working from home for whatever reason were pretty much out of luck if they needed it.

The cloud can remove that challenge, as well as make work in general easier to complete while out of the office. By hosting data, applications, or even entire virtualized environments in the cloud, your team can presumably access whatever they need from the comfort of their own bed (which, comfy as it is, is not recommended for productivity).


Unfortunately, many businesses have found it necessary to scale back their operations, in many cases, considerably. While this is far from ideal, the cloud could also make this process simpler for the business looking for a bit of relief. With sliding services based on need, a business can reduce their investment into cloud solutions as their operations slow, with the ability to pick them back up again as necessary. This scalability can help prevent businesses from overinvesting at a time when each cent matters even more.

If you feel that the cloud is your business? best option right now, don?t hesitate another moment and call (603) 889-0800 today to discuss implementing cloud solutions into your operations. White Mountain IT Services is here to help you.

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