Tip of the Week: 3 Leading Causes of Slow Internet
Nowadays, a lot of the solutions that businesses rely on are hosted in the cloud. This is for good reason, as there is a laundry list of benefits that cloud-deployed solutions can provide.
Assuming, of course, that you have access to the Internet at the moment.
In addition to cloud-hosted solutions, the Internet proves its office utility in many other ways–all of which will have limited availability (if any) without a reliable internet connection. That?s why it is so important to keep your Internet speeds optimized.
Here, we?ve put together a very brief list of the issues you could find yourself dealing with:
Too Little Bandwidth
Or in other words, you?re trying to use more bandwidth than you are allotted by your Internet service. As a company grows, its bandwidth requirements will also increase. This increase is exacerbated by the rise in Bring Your Own Device and the assortment of connected devices that people now bring into your business, as well as the increased use of cloud solutions. If you haven?t kept pace with your requirements, you could find that your Internet takes longer to process. Upping your plan will be necessary if this is the issue.
Outdated Equipment
If the router you are using in the office is on the older side (or was actually designed as a household model) it might just not be capable of supporting the bandwidth you should be getting. This is why it is important to consider all of your business technology when planning for upgrades and updates, as it only takes one component to cause a hang-up.
Misconfigured Equipment and Environmental Factors
If your networking equipment isn?t actually that old, there?s the chance that there is just a mistake somewhere in its configurations, and you may have to go digging to find it. Otherwise, your problem could actually be your office itself. Things like concrete and other electronics can make things difficult for a wireless signal to get through. If a select few are encountering problems, don?t rule out these considerations.
Of course, this is just a select few reasons that your office may be suffering from slow Internet speeds. That?s why we have one final tip for you: give White Mountain IT Services a call. Our professionals are able to help you figure out your difficulties and mitigate them, all for the good of your business. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to learn more.