Looking for Your Business to Go Green? The Right Tech Can Help!

Remote Work

Remote work saw an explosive rise in popularity a few years ago, and there were significant environmental impacts associated with this rise?and why wouldn?t there be? With people no longer needing to commute to the office to do work, a significant volume of emissions were removed from the equation. Continuing to do so will allow these decreases to continue to some degree.

Unified Communications

A unified communications system is a great option for businesses anyway, as it can help increase profitability and save a company budgetable funds, but it offers specific benefits to the environment as well. These platforms play nicely with Bring Your Own Device policies, as they can be installed on practically any device, allowing you to avoid creating more demand for additional hardware, calling for increased manufacturing and resource utilization. On a related note, unified communications are a key part of the aforementioned remote work practices, as they help make your communications infrastructure more mobile. 

In addition to this, unified communications are also a great way to reduce your office?s paper usage by providing paperless alternatives for your collaborative needs.

The Internet of Things

The IoT can provide businesses with a significant amount of utility, and the same is true in terms of their energy expenditures. By incorporating these tools into their HVAC systems and using them to adjust the environment by room instead of trying to change the office as a whole, it takes less energy to maintain a comfortable standard.

Cloud Tools Make Many of These Efforts More Feasible

Which sounds more efficient to you: dozens and dozens of businesses individually maintaining the climate in their offices, or dozens and dozens of businesses accessing data and software that?s all housed in a single, highly-efficient data center that will need its climate maintained? If you answered with the latter, you?d be right, as many businesses have learned and taken advantage of.

Modern IT Can Give Businesses the Best of Both Worlds

Businesses no longer need to choose between the effective options or the environmentally responsible options, because they are increasingly becoming one and the same. White Mountain IT Services can help you manage whatever technology it is your business relies on. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to learn more about our managed IT services.

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