Research Shows Why Businesses are Increasingly Using Managed IT Services

There’s some interesting data and insights shared on, in an article called: ?Why Businesses are Turning to Managed IT Services?, written on June 3, 2015 by Thor Olavsrud. The beginning of the article explains:

?Organizations are increasingly turning to managed service providers (MSPs) to handle elements of their IT needs…according to new research from IT industry trade association CompTIA.?

This final assessment is backed up with insightful evidence; the businesses themselves tell us the reasons and the data proves the growth. The article explains:

?’…[2014] CompTIA found…3-in-10 organizations had any of their IT in the hands of an MSP’… more than two-thirds of companies surveyed [2015 study]… have used the services of an outside IT firm…?

This tells us the year 2015 was when the shift occurred: minority to majority of businesses using MSPs in some form. Now, over a year later from this article, we can estimate this majority is even stronger; especially, considering the growing integration of cloud and mobile computing technologies in business systems. This is a large part of why SMBs and large businesses are increasingly seeking MSPs for specialized project work, or a more comprehensive outsourced IT department service.

Software as a Service (SaaS) and other non-hardware remote services are being adapted by businesses for workflow efficiency and productivity. Innovative CRM, ERP, WMS, VoIP, and other business systems, are offering businesses exciting ways to enhance their workflow and systems, yet keeping track of the implementation and operation of these — many separate services and components to the overall business system ? is proving to be difficult for businesses’ IT departments.

The article shares specifically why businesses are shifting to using MSPs:

?CompTIA found that improving the efficiency and reliability of IT operations…56 percent of companies with 100 or more employees and 47 percent of companies with fewer…?

?Enhanced security and compliance… 38 percent of companies of all sizes. ROI/cost savings… 33 percent of companies with 100 or more employees and 28 percent of companies with fewer…?

?…six-in-10 respondents that consider their technology usage advanced are using an MSP for physical security services. Also, 63 percent of the same group are using an MSP for application monitoring.?


This trade research study show us that businesses with advanced technologies are using MSPs services the most. The main reason, for all businesses using MSPs, was to increase efficiency and reliability; and security was the biggest reason for businesses using advanced systems. So, we learn the reasons why businesses are outsourcing at least part of their IT departments: reliability, security, efficiency, and enhanced functionality.

Businesses are turning toward MSPs to help: manage, maintain, secure, and enhance their systems. Not all MSPs are the same, and not every business’s needs are the same. If on-site IT services are needed, a local MSP can be found; if remote cloud based services are needed, businesses can choose an MSP from across the world.

White Mountain IT Services is located in Nashua, New Hampshire and has served this area’s IT consultation and support needs since 1985. We’ve adapted to the technological changes over the years, and have designed our modern IT services to expertly manage our clients IT needs. This could be in the form of cloud and mobile computing, security and monitoring services, help desk IT repair/maintenance, and more. Please contact us today to learn more.

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