How to Transition to or Establish a New Office Location

It’s always exciting when you can expand your business’ influence with a new location, but this excitement brings with it all kinds of complications. There’s always something, whether it’s the technology for the new location or the logistics surrounding the opening. Let’s look at how you can make sure that technology is not the thing that holds your business back from opening a new location.

All About Location

Sometimes businesses will move to a new location for one reason or another, whether it’s uprooting their entire base of operations or opening a smaller satellite office. In either case, it’s important to know how the new location should be wired. Will you have a wireless network? Will all of the connectivity be available at your new location, or will the setup of the office produce dead zones that you’ll have to work around? Are you going to have all the tools you need, technologically speaking, to make sure that operations can proceed with minimal friction? We could go on and on, but the point of this is just to say that there is a lot that goes into an effective office move where your IT is concerned.

White Mountain IT Services strives to ensure that IT is the least of your worries when you decide to move to a new office space. We’ll help you plan your IT in the new space so that it is future-proof, meaning that you can be confident that your technology will work both after the move and well into the future. We start this with an assessment, then we move into procurement and installation.

Follow These Steps

We recommend that you have a comprehensive plan in place before you begin moving your technology from one place to another, or setting up a second location. Here are some of the most important first steps to consider:

  • Know your budget: It’s always helpful to have a cost estimate to work your project around.
  • Understand your needs: Knowing your servers, networking equipment, workstations, peripherals, cables, and wires will be helpful when planning your new infrastructure.
  • Give us a call: Really, why do all of this on your own? We can make the process so much easier and less daunting.

Work with Your IT

When you work with us, you’ll be doing what most businesses should do when implementing new technology: collaborating toward the successful deployment of solutions for your infrastructure. We offer assistance with the following:

  • Network design and setup
  • Software and hardware procurement
  • Deployment of cloud resources
  • Data migration
  • Network security
  • Software setup (including communications, productivity, and collaboration)
  • Compliance 

…and much more.

Don’t let the decisions surrounding an expansion hold you back. Get started today by calling us at (603) 889-0800.

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