Benefits of flat rate IT services

People, unfortunately, are never level costs. Add in the 38 to 41 cents on the dollar full-time employees cost over and above their salaries and bonuses, and it can make CFOs start popping antacids pretty fast.

There is one way to level some of your costs.  Flat rate IT services allow you to predict your information technology costs from March to April, Q1 to Q2, and one year to the next. They allow you to finally nail down that budget for your IT expenditures.

Flat rate IT services are the insurance every company needs. There are no sick days that delay project completions. White Mountain IT Services can supplement a large IT subdivision with specialized support, or be there to make sure that one guy that is your IT department has help any time he needs it. Our data center in Nashua, NH, can add backing up your data securly offsite, into your flat rate plan. 

Been thinking about getting rid of your servers, moving to a fully cloud-based system? We’ve done that. Just ask our clients. We’ve taken over IT services for entire companies, from servers to networks to firewalls to employee training. We understand your frustrations, and know how many problems a little proactive maintenance can solve before they ever become a major issue.

Contact us for more about our flat rate IT services, managed services, project services, or our expertise in your area, including legal and medical IT, among many others. 

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