4 Ways Technology Can Help You Lead a Remote Sales Team

1. Use Technological Tools to Listen to Your Team

One of the most important rules, when you are a manager, is to spend time listening to your sales team. Make a point to regularly check in with your team members to ask them what they need to do their job. You can use a chat app, email or Allworx phone systems to find out more about the different tools or resources they say they need to better do their job. 

Are they complaining about a high-pressure environment? Although it’s tempting to try to micromanage a remote team since you aren’t in the office with them every day, try to create an environment that fosters autonomy. Your sales team will be able to work better in a company that measures its results instead of trying to micromanage their activities. You can also incorporate an open vacation policy so they can take time off whenever they need it to avoid burnout. A flexible vacation policy and more control over their work schedule can help keep your salespeople motivated. 

2. Hold Team Meetings Online 

Next, make sure to schedule consistent team meetings with videos or conference calls to discuss pertinent company information. Your sales team should understand the objective of the meeting and what topics will be covered. 

You can also promote a healthy corporate atmosphere by encouraging them to collaborate with other team members. Allow them to contribute and voice their opinion during the team meetings or give feedback. An online team meeting is one of the few opportunities to bring everyone together and make them feel unified. You can also have online team meetings to celebrate employee work anniversaries, accomplishments and other major career milestones. 

3. Use Technology to Measure Your Sales Team Performance

Another way technology can help you manage a remote team is by providing tools that will measure their overall performance. Many companies decide to use an existing sales performance platform, however, you can also work with a managed IT services firm to discuss how to develop your own. Your sales team should be able to see how they are performing at all times. You should also look into software that has an app or is mobile-friendly. 

4. Use Technology to Communicate in Real-Time

One of the best things about the internet is that you can communicate with almost anyone in the world almost instantaneously. Strong communication is a necessity to successfully manage a remote sales team. Effective communication can also strengthen your sales team and give them the opportunity to always know what is going on with the company. 

We suggest you take advantage of certain tools like Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts or Google Drive and other resources so your team can communicate and collaborate during the workday. Create dedicated groups for certain team members so they can log online and immediately get help and collaborate together. They should also be able to access files and other important documents in one centralized location. 

Contact White Mountain IT

White Mountain is the leading technical service provider in New England. Please contact us online or call (603) 889-0800 to speak with one of our team members to learn more about our services. We specialize in providing outsourced computer support, Virtual CIO Services, IT consulting and expert network support to businesses around the country. 

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