3 Things You Can Do to Hold More Effective Meetings

Have Better Agendas
How does your business currently conduct meetings? Perhaps you go in with a specific topic in mind, or maybe they are weekly meetings that are held whether you have something of substance to say or not. Either way, it?s best to go in with an agenda (and stick to it) if you want the most productive meetings.

Use Better Technology
Technology can give your meetings a kickstart when they are otherwise simply people sitting around a table and having a chat. You can use media, including slideshows and infographics, to provide context for the conversation. Furthermore, if meeting in the office isn?t an option, you can implement mobile technology and web conferencing software to keep your team connected regardless of where they are located.

Hold an Open Forum
People like to feel involved in meetings, and they will enjoy them more when their involvement means something. You can open up your meetings at the end for people to voice concerns or make statements. This can, in turn, open up a dialogue that may not otherwise have been created.

Does your business need a hand elevating its meeting game? White Mountain IT Services can help. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

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